Hello friends,
Greetings from Radiovubon, an online radio aiming to cheer the world from Bangladesh.
Access to information and freedom of expression is a much uttered thing today than ever before and radio can play a vital role here. According to UNESCO, more than 95% of the world’s population uses radio. We may remind you the role and contribution of ‘Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendro’, the only news medium of Bangladesh during its great liberation war. So the reach and ultimately power of radio is unquestionable.
Almost one third of global population has access to internet and also interesting to know that the mobile subscription of world population is 93.5%. Radiovubon wants to explore the combined outcome of power and potential of radio and internet to contribute bring peace around the world.
Wishing you all a prosperous and cheerful every time. Happy listening radiovubon.com বাংলা হতে বিশ্ব মাতাই
Nusrat Khan
One comment
I’m also interested to RJ and listener of ur RedioVubin… Fine and also good… if possible, want to meet.
Uttara, Dhaka.